
When starting a small business, it may seem like there’s too much to keep track of and do. Luckily there are many quality resources available online to help small businesses find all of the documents, forms, and planning procedures necessary to keep your project moving forward legally. Below are some of the best resources that CAFE has found to be helpful for small business owners in Pennsylvania. 

PA Business One-Stop Shop: Home: The PA Business One-Stop Shop is the perfect place to find Pennsylvania-specific guidelines for your small business from planning, to operating, and growing. They also have great resources available, such as a business plan template

Pennsylvania SBDC – Home: The Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers have locations all across PA, usually partnering with universities to create the best possible learning and working environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses. They host lots of webinars and workshops during the year which are great resources for people who would like to set aside time to learn more about a specific aspect of running their small business. 

Eastern Pennsylvania District Office | The US Small Business Administration | The U.S. Small Business Administration website for Eastern Pennsylvania provides help with lending and funding opportunities as well as workshops and resource guides.